
The Joys of Marriage – Part 2

“One of the best things about being married is that I now get TWO votes in every election!” — a smiling Lisa, to her clearly unimpressed husband


I got married later in life (at 37 to be exact). If it had been up to me – or more so, my mother – it would have happened a lot sooner. But the universe works in mysterious ways and I feel blessed for having my husband Alan in my life.

In a piece that I wrote around this time last year, I shared some of the silly banter that takes place between me and Alan (still one the finest people I know ♥). Several of you told me how much you enjoyed that piece, so I’ve decided to share a few more of our chats – this time, relationship-themed, in the spirit of Valentine’s Day.

Marriage Benefits

Lisa:                “Yay! It’s going to be our anniversary! So what do you like best about being married?”
Alan:               “Hmmm… What do you like best about being married?”
Lisa:                “Well… I always have someone to scratch my back now.”
Alan:               (With indignation…) “What?! You mean all I am is a replacement for a $2.99                                                     backscratcher?!?!”
Lisa:                (Slightly perturbed…) “Well, what do you like about being married, then?”
Alan:               “Hmmm… I have someone to make my lunch for me everyday!”
Lisa:                “Oh, so I get to be a replacement for… your mother?!”
Alan:               (Silently prays that this conversation is over.)

Pillow Talk

Lisa:                “I love you.”
Alan:               “I love you, too.”
Lisa:                “But I love you more.”
Alan:               (Pauses and nods.) “Yes, that’s probably true.”

The Green-Eyed Monster

Lisa:                (Plops down on the couch beside Alan after dinner.) “Ah, finally some quality                                                 time together! I’m surprised you’re not upstairs again with your new, fancy schmancy Les                         Paul guitar.”
Alan:               “Well, actually… I’m about to go upstairs…”
Lisa:                “Hmpf. I’m beginning to think that you love your guitar way more than you love me.”
Alan:               “No… don’t be ridiculous! I love you both equally.”

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Lisa:                “So, how was your day today?!”
Alan:               “Oh, it was okay, I guess.”
Lisa:                “Did anything exciting happen?”
Alan:               “No, not really.”
Lisa:                “So what did you do today, then?”
Alan:               “Oh, you know, the usual… engineering stuff. Tell me about your day.”
Lisa:                “Well… [Blah, blah, blah]… [Blah, blah, blah]… [Blah, blah, blah]… And then do you know                                   what… Hey, are you listening to me?!”
Alan:               “Oh, I stopped listening about 20 minutes ago.”

Happy Valentines Day!

For more of these exchanges, read “The Joys of Marriage” – Part 1.