Intentional Living Triathlon/Sports

11 Ways You Can Be an Eco-Friendly Runner

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. – Unknown

In honour of Earth Day, which takes place on April 22, 2018, consider implementing some of these earth-friendly practices as part of your running routine.

  1. Refuse a plastic bag when you purchase your running paraphernalia. Shop with a reusable bag, or manage without.
  1. Reduce your consumption of race gear. Invest in quality pieces that fit well and are designed to last. Donate what you don’t wear, so that someone else can benefit from it.
  1. Reuse the bobby pins (for race bibs) you’ve acquired from prior races and return any extras at your next race package pick-up. Better yet, buy a race number belt, skip the pinholes, and help extend the life of your run gear.
  1. Recycle your used running shoes. The Running Room accepts gently worn running shoes. Soles4Souls accepts clean shoes of any kind (in any state of wear), with nearby Strathcona County hosting several drop off locations.
  1. Refuse free running swag that you don’t love or won’t use. Free is rarely high quality and often ends up as household clutter.
  1. Return unwanted items from your race kit (such as printed promotional materials that may garner a 30-second glance at best) to the race organizers at package pick-up. Better yet, in your post-race feedback, express your preference for virtual race packages. (Kudos to the 2017 Victoria Marathon organizers for a quality race item AND a virtual race kit!)
  1. Carpool to your races, if you can’t get there by walking or public transportation.
  1. Choose powdered or tablet-style hydration over liquid sports drinks that come in single-use plastic bottles. You’ll reduce your plastic consumption AND will probably save money, too!
  1. Consider buying your nutrition in bulk, if available. For example, some GU gels (see the MEC website) come in bulk packaging and could be used with a gel bottle.
  1. Ask your post-run coffee shop to serve your drink/food in a real mug/on a real plate. Bring a reusable travel mug if you can’t stay for long. Note that the Second Cup will take $0.20 off your beverage if you bring your own cup/mug.
  1. Devote the occasional run to plogging (jogging + picking up litter). It’s a great cross-training workout, as it provides variation in body movements by adding bending, squatting, and stretching to the main action of running.

“Be gentle with the earth.” – Dalai Lama