Community Family/Relationships

Three Words

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” – Oprah Winfrey

One of the most delightful people in my life is my former colleague Lana. We met over 20 years ago, but it wasn’t until we became co-editors of our office newsletter that we truly got to know one another.

Producing a bi-weekly newsletter means having discussions about guest editors, story ideas, deadlines, layout, technical issues, and the like. Lana and I had a lot of discussions! After we resolved whatever business needed resolving at the time, our conversation would inevitably meander. We’d talk about our families and our latest undertakings, and muse about life in general.

One particularly interesting conversation we had (and there were many) was about friendship – specifically, what three qualities we most value in a friendship. If all of us collectively compiled a laundry list of desirable friendship qualities, I’m quite certain we’d agree on the merit of each of them. What’s interesting, however, is that if we each choose three words, everyone’s selection will likely be a bit different.

Try it yourself. Choose three words that describe the qualities you most value in a friendship before you read mine.

Here are my three words and my take on them…

  1. Loyalty
    To be loyal is to have someone’s back. Loyalty is standing up or speaking out for someone, even when circumstances get tricky. Especially when circumstances get tricky. Loyalty cements friendships.
  1. Honesty
    To be honest is to be truthful. Honestly builds trust, which is essential to forging intimate bonds. Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you.
  1. Kindness
    To be kind is to be caring and considerate. People may forget what you’ve said or what you’ve done, but they will always remember how you treated them. You will never regret being kind.

I’ve felt grateful, especially this past year, to have friends who I consider loyal, honest, and kind. There are better days ahead, and I’ll cherish being able to spend them with all of you.