Odds & Ends

My Three Favourite Posts

Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.” – Paulo Coelho, author, The Zahir

I haven’t been a particularly prolific blogger as of late.

Often, what I write about reflects my life experiences and the lessons I’ve learned. The last two years have been a bittersweet period of challenge and change. At times, I’ve thought about sharing certain experiences, but my inner voice tells me to wait – that greater wisdom and perspective comes with the passage of time.

So instead, I’ve decided to cheat a bit and do a recap of three of my favourite posts – that is, three pieces I’ve written of which I’m especially proud. Thanks to J. and K. – two delightful people I met after the passage of one of life’s storms – for the conversation that inspired this post. I hope they, and each of you, enjoy reading what I feel is some of my best work. (Click on the underlined titles to hyperlink to the posts.)

1. One More Try – I love this piece for so many reasons. First, it speaks to my husband’s patience and his great love for me, which I feel every day. Second, it hints at the playfulness of our relationship (which is displayed more overtly in The Joys of Marriage and The Joys of Coaching posts). Third, this piece serves as a personal reminder that success is right around the corner. Lastly, it’s just a fun story!

2. With a Little Help from My Friends – This is the most honest and raw piece I’ve ever written. It’s a snapshot in time which captured my emotions in the aftermath of a friend’s tragic death. I’ve always considered this piece a love letter to my friends. Although the group dynamics I described in it have since changed, which saddens me deeply, I’ll never regret being vulnerable and honest with my feelings, and in doing so, living authentically.

3. Encouragement – In contrast to the preceding piece, this one is timeless. It speaks to the impact a few encouraging words can have on someone’s day. While navigating the sport of triathlon (and some new adventures), I’ve been the beneficiary of a great deal of kindness and support. It’s been amazing! But what has been even more amazing – and incredibly satisfying – is paying it forward.