Community Triathlon/Sports

Find Your Peeps

“At the end of the day, I’d rather be excluded for who I include, than included for who I exclude.”  – Rev. Eston William

This post was shared in a private running group at the invitation of one of its leaders.

This month marks the one-year anniversary of my first run with this group.

Like so many others, I started off as a lurker. I read the posts, followed the conversations, and viewed the photos. Although I was a seasoned road runner, I still wondered to myself, “Can I do this? Will I fit in? What if I can’t keep up? Will I be left behind and get lost in the trails?”

As an introvert, my anxiety and apprehension were real.

Then one day, I saw a post by someone who had run with the group for the first time and raved about it. I reached out to her privately to ask her if the weekly group runs were truly “no-drop” social runs. She assured me that they were and encouraged me to come out, telling me that “everyone supports you in the run and stays together.”

Feeling a bit more reassured, I decided to join the next run. Unfortunately, new COVID-19 gathering restrictions came into effect, immediately putting the weekly group runs on hiatus. Fortunately, my resolve outlasted the restrictions and six weeks later, on a rain-soaked day, I enjoyed my first outing with a small, but dedicated group. As they say, the rest is history!

My first outing with the group on June 10, 2021 Photo by T.O.

Reflecting on the past year, I can tell you that becoming part of this group has easily been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I share the following truths, as I see them, in hopes of compelling you to make a similar leap from lurker to active participant…

  • You’ll discover there are no cliques here – inclusivity is at the core of this non-judgmental, non-competitive group of runners. I attribute this to our wonderful leaders who champion this philosophy, and to all the members who’ve embraced it.
  • You’ll find yourself in the company of empowered and empowering women who will cheer you on, lift you up, and inspire you. And when you spend your time with amazing people, you’ll do amazing things.
  • You’ll meet new people and expand your circle. Many will become familiar faces on the weekly group runs and occasional adventures. Some will become regular and reliable run buddies. A few will become trusted friends and confidantes. You’ll find your place; you’ll find your peeps.
  • You’ll eventually feel, and become, part of the broader running community. You’ll be inspired to give back often as a volunteer, and to pay it forward in many ways, including as an informal ambassador for this group!

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So to all the lurkers in this group… I encourage you to be a bit bold, step outside of your comfort zone, and come out to play amongst the trees. I promise that if you show up to the party, you’ll be greeted at the door and welcomed in!

I – and we – look forward to meeting you!