Chinese New Year

“It’s bad luck to be superstitious.” – Andrew W. Mathis   On our drive to work on Chinese New Year… Lisa:       “Today is a day for my peoples!” Alan:      “Yes.” Lisa:       “So what would you say is the best thing that my peoples have produced?” Alan:      (Pauses momentarily.) “Barbeque pork.” Lisa:       (Laughs) “You know, a better […]

Ancient Chinese Secret

“I like rice. Rice is great if you’re hungry and want 2,000 of something.” – Mitch Hedberg, American stand-up comedian   For as long as I can remember, my Mom has cooked rice in a rice cooker – not a stovetop pot that the parents of so many of my non-Asian friends seemed to favour. […]

Airplane Seats

“There are only two reasons to sit in the back row of an airplane: Either you have diarrhea, or you’re anxious to meet people who do.” — Henry Kissinger, diplomat, political scientist, former United States Secretary of State and National Security Advisor   My husband says I’m a superstitious traveller. I just like to maximize my comfort… […]

Being Canadian

“When I am in Canada, I feel this is what the world should be like.” — Jane Fonda, actor   I am a proud Canadian. But I wasn’t born one. Instead, my citizenship was a gift. My parents are immigrants. Mom was raised in rural China and spent time fleeing from the Communist government (the rule of Mao […]