The Birthday Ask

“The best way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once.” – attributed to Herbert V. Prochnow, toastmaster and writer I love September. As someone who thoroughly enjoyed school, I get nostalgic for everything related to the start of a new school year – new stationery, new schedules, new classes, and of course, […]

My Three Favourite Posts

“Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.” – Paulo Coelho, author, The Zahir I haven’t been a particularly prolific blogger as of late. Often, what I write about reflects my life experiences and the lessons I’ve learned. The last two years have been a bittersweet period of challenge […]

The Joys of Marriage – Part 3

“90% of being married is just shouting ‘What?’ from other rooms.” – Unknown Earlier this year, Alan and I celebrated 10 years of marriage. I use the word “celebrated” loosely as there was very little fanfare involved. That’s because Alan has been very committed to his triathlon training since we started the sport three years […]


“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward, American writer At the end of June, I completed my first Ironman 70.3 triathlon. For those unfamiliar with the sport, the “70.3” refers to the total race distance in miles. Participants begin with a 1.2-mile (1.9 […]

The Joys of Coaching – Part 2

“If at first you don’t succeed, try doing what your coach told you to do the first time.” – Unknown By no means do I consider myself qualified to be a triathlon coach, but I do spend a lot of time reading up on training methods, workouts, and nutrition. My wife, Lisa, on the other […]

The Joys of Coaching – Part 1

“A coach is someone who always makes you do what you don’t want to do, so that you can be who you always wanted to be.” – Leeman Bennett, American football coach Given my limited experience with triathlon, and given that my husband Alan is clearly the more athletic one in our relationship, he has become my […]


“Encouragement is free, and beyond measure in value.” – Dr. William DeFoore, author, counsellor   At the end of May, I participated in the Coronation Triathlon, a standard distance triathlon in Edmonton consisting of a 1 km pool swim, a 26 km bike, and an 8 km run. Being that it was only my second […]

Learning to Swim

“It’s a good idea to begin at the bottom in everything, except in learning to swim.” – Unknown   Up until about six months ago, I couldn’t swim. As an adult, I had taken lessons on two previous occasions, several years ago, without success and had no intentions of making a third attempt. But as […]